Thursday, September 29, 2011

In Ulm, um Ulm, um Ulm herum!

Hello my darling readers!

It's a late night here in Tuebingen, and since I have no desire to sit and watch my laundry go around and around and around (in the world's smallest front loading washer), I realized that I was forgetting something.  And that something was one more blog entry from our trip to Blaubauren!! I can't believe I forgot!  So you get an extra treat!  So curl up in your seats, grab a big ol' cuppa tea (or coffee if you're a caffeine addict), because I've got a post for you!

"In Ulm, um Ulm, um Ulm herum" is a German tongue twister (in German they're called Zungenbrecher; literally, tongue breakers. Cute, right?) about the city of Ulm, located right on the border between Baden-Wuettemberg and Bayern (the state where Munich, Oktoberfest, and Lederhosen come from).

Now Ulm is famous for its amazingly beautiful Gothic cathedral (well it's technically a minster, if you want to be picky).  Why?


 a) it took like 300 years to build (can you imagine growing up and dying and still not seeing something finished?!)

and b) it's the highest church steeple in the world.  It's 469 feet (143 meters) tall and you gotta climb all 768 steps to get to the top.

Unfortunately, as we were there I still was best friends with das Boot so I sent an emissary, the amazing Ms. Rachel up to the top to snag some pics for y'all.


"And on the other side of the river is New Ulm and Bayern.
We Ulmers don't associate them"
No. Seriously, they don't.

Lovely shot of the back of the church from above

Fear Factor I
Fear Factor II

Getting a little dizzy...

Add this one to the "Jake's Faces" folder

Going down?

Gargoyles over Ulm

Quasimodo doesn't work here, sorry. 

Can you find me?
Hint: Left hand side!

Many thanks to Rachel who snapped all these pics!

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