Tuesday, September 17, 2013

These Kids...

So I lied about the forthcoming photos of Chemnitz thing, but at least I can say that I really like my school.

I'm on my second week of observation, so I've been popping in and out of various classrooms, interacting with kids from the 5th grade up the 12th grade, and trying desperately to remember all the names of the foreign language teachers and whether or not they told if I can use "Sie" or "du" with them.  (As if German wasn't hard enough...)

But that means in a week, I get to start teaching!  (A terrifying prospect, I know, but apparently someone thinks I'm qualified.)

Anyway, I just wanted to share some of the gems that the kids asked me when I did my 5-10 minute introduction in class.

The 10th graders were very interested in all things Chicago, but only 4 questions in, one of them (Max), went straight for the jugular and asked "What do Americans think of the gun lobby?"

I tried to answer it honestly without being biased.  I could tell they wanted to ask more about it, but luckily, another student asked about driving cars in America, and I was able to distract them with the fact that I could drive when I was 15, which made everyone freak out.

The 5th graders steered clear of politics (obviously), and instead asked me about my favorite things (which does include whiskers on kittens, but seriously, who likes copper kettles, you can burn your hands on them).

Some of the questions I had to answer:

What's your favorite food? What's your favorite fruit? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite movie? What's your favorite clothing store?  Do you like sports?  Do you like winter sports?  Do you like shopping? Do you like dancing? Do you own a house in Chemnitz?  What's your favorite tree? How old are you?

The best two questions, which were back-to-back, from the fifth graders were however:

5th grade girl: Do you have a boyfriend?
Me:  No.
(5th grade girl gives me a pitying look.)
5th grade boy: Do you have kids?!

On the other hand, other Fulbrighters have told me that they got even crazier questions:

Have you ever swam with a dolphin?

Do you have a kitchen at home?  (They were under the impression that Americans don't cook anymore, they just eat fast food.)

Do you have a lover? (From a 10 year old.)

And, last but not least, my favorite:

Is it "Yippe KI-Yay motherf*cker" or "Yippe HI-yay motherf*cker"?

Important life questions, people.

All My Love,
Your Humble Blogger
(Who Promises That Next Time She Posts There Will Be Pictures)


Unknown said...

Hi Hannah,
Sounds like children are the same everywhere...I love the questions they asked you.
Aunt Mary

Micki Myers said...

The kids I teach are fascinated that it's possible for me to have kids yet not be married (how? how?) and that I have been engaged for SO LONG. They consider a 2-month engagement long in their community.

I brought Matt in for show and tell. That helps.

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