Sunday, July 29, 2012

Slowly Saying Goodbye

I'm procrastinating.  That's the only reason this post is going up today.

I have three days left in Germany - I should be packing, cleaning, finishing up an essay (which I suspect will be written on the plane), taking last minute photos, packing some more, and repainting the spots on the wall in my room.

But instead, I decided to take a moment from my hyperventilating and panicking (SERIOUSLY? WHERE DID THOSE BOOKS COME FROM?! Have I had these clothes the whole time?!) to tell about what I love about Germany.

At first, I was going to do an ultimate countdown kind of thing.  But then as I began typing out my list, I realized that most of the things were unable to be quantified or explained.

It's obvious that I love German public transportation (which although a bit pricey, is always clean and usually on time), German chocolate (I can never eat Hershey's again), German Altstadts (adorable), and German castles (I still want to be a princess, what about it).

And of course, German bread.

But I can't explain in a blog post why I love certain German expressions and phrases.  I can't explain the feeling you have when you climb up to a castle that was built before the U.S.A. was founded.  I can't explain the simple joy of walking through crowed, cobble-stoned streets.

My ultimate countdown of things I am going to miss is just one thing:

All of Germany.

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